PLAY - ...and they rose up to play

And the people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play. Exodus 32.1-6Why do people, since eternity, love games? Because they’re fun! But why are they fun? Because people all over the world love to be in the “magic circle“, in an alternate state of being, to possibly forget the rest happening outside of this magic circle. Inside the circle we give ourselves permission to explore, to fail, to lose. We love voluntary conflict against each other, we will try to win but will only do what the rules of the game allow. At the end of the game, we are (mostly) happy to accept the outcome, declaring one a winner and the other a loser. Then we leave the circle and return to reality. For all these circumstances people all over the world love to play. They play chess in Libya and Hungary, they play billard in North Korea and New York They play music from Mali to Montenegro, they dance to music from Serbia to Somalia. Friedrich Nietzsche once stated: For people from all around the world, playing is of vital importance because it has the ability to transform human life.